A walk along the canal

I've been walking a lot lately - its always been helpful with my depression/anxiety and now its all I seem to want to do whilst grieving (other than hiding in a quilt all day watching Pixar movies and eating chocolate but that's not really helpful or healthy now is it...). I've especially been making myself go for walks in my lunch break and on this one, I took my camera too.

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Kodak BW400CN
Location: Leeds

A walk around Golden Acre Park

There are so many great walks in and around Leeds and the walk around Golden Acre Park is definitely one of them. It used to be a amusement park in the 1930's which I love the idea of (see photos here).

Harry's face in the 4th photo cracks me up - thats his "but I don't want to stop and look, I want to walkkkkk...." grumpy face. Such a little grump of a dog. At least there was also cake and ice cream though, always a win!

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Kodak BW400CN
Location: Golden Acre Park, Leeds