Lomo lovers film swap... the second set. Part 2

Last month I posted the first of the second set of photos from my contribution to the Lomo Lovers film swap. As I mentioned before, I was partnered with Davide. The second film was Kodak Elitechrome 100 (which Davide cross processed) that I orginally exposed with my La Sardina and sent to Davide in Italy(!) which he then put through his LC-A+.

I was particularly excited about these photos from the set as I took my layer of the image in Bradford (on a fun curry night out with Lomo friends, you can see Adam's action shot of me here lol) and I experimented with the bulb setting on my La Sardina camera at the Bradford City Park fountains.

Hurray for film swaps!!!

Film swap partner: Davide

Cameras: LC-A+ and La Sardina
Film: Kodak Elitechrome 100
Location: England and Italy(!)

Lomo lovers film swap... the second set

A couple of weeks ago I posted some photos from the first film that got developed as part of my contribution to the Lomo Lovers film swap. As I mentioned before, I was partnered with Davide and yesterday he shared the photos from the second roll of film. The film this time was Kodak Elitechrome 100 (which Davide cross processed) that I orginally exposed with my La Sardina and sent to Davide in Italy(!) which he then put through his LC-A+.

These photos in particular I exposed at Kirkstall Abbey. I thought that at least one of the films I took should have some photos of there on it and I was really excited to see what Davide would expose over the top and I was not disappointed with the results. I particularly love the coffee sign!

Thank you so much to the Lomo Lovers - Nicola and Sam - for organising this swap... and thank you, of course, to Davide too! Hurray for film swaps!!!

Cameras: LC-A+ and La Sardina
Film: Kodak Elitechrome 100
Location: England and Italy(!)