More nephew photos (spoiler: he's my fave)

My nephew is growing guys! He can walk, he can talk, he can feed the birds and most importantly, he can send me kisses on the phone - which I tell you, melts my heart right to the core!

Luckily for me, we are seeing him again very soon - so I’ll get another chance to take photos and share his sweet face some more. Being an auntie is the best!

Camera: Fujifilm Zoom Date 1000
Film: Lomography CN 400
Location: Roundhay Park, Leeds

Out of Focus

I mentioned in my first post sharing photos from the Fujifilm Zoom Date 1000 that I failed a little bit with taking risks with the focusing. I’ve debated about sharing these photos here because ‘technically’ they’re not great - at all. But there is something kind of ethereal about them still - that soft (fail) focus on film you know?

Also, and I’ve written about this many times before, there is such a tendency on the internet to only share your very best. Now, I’m not selling you anything or trying to encourage you to buy my best things - instead I’m trying to share my experience with you - and that experience with this camera is that the focus on it doesn’t quite match my aspirations haha.

It is hard not to think ‘well if I’d used this camera, or another camera’ these photos would be exactly as I wanted them - and I think that comes from the place of taking a ‘perfect’ photo - rather than that place of accepting the equipment, the situation and the choices that you’ve made. I do tend to overthink things (I’m sure you’ve never noticed ha) but in sharing these photos here, theres a (begrudging) acceptance of these photos just as they are and I think theres something really important in that as a learning process as well as that constant trying to get the perfect photo all the time.

Camera: Fujifilm Zoom Date 1000
Film: Lomography CN 400
Location: Leeds

Winter appropriate weather photos

The weather here in the UK was a bit bizarre in February with some very warm weather for about a week or so. However just before that we had some season and month appropriate weather - and it looked rather atmospheric, so I of course took photos.


Even though we’ve been in our house for nearly two years now, I still can’t believe our luck living so close to so much open space - especially only being a few miles out of a big city. I very much enjoyed getting to see it in its Winter glory as well.

Camera: Fujifilm Zoom Date 1000
Film: Lomography CN 400
Location: Leeds