Winter appropriate weather photos

The weather here in the UK was a bit bizarre in February with some very warm weather for about a week or so. However just before that we had some season and month appropriate weather - and it looked rather atmospheric, so I of course took photos.


Even though we’ve been in our house for nearly two years now, I still can’t believe our luck living so close to so much open space - especially only being a few miles out of a big city. I very much enjoyed getting to see it in its Winter glory as well.

Camera: Fujifilm Zoom Date 1000
Film: Lomography CN 400
Location: Leeds

Fujifilm Zoom Date 1000

As part of Emulsive Secret Santa I received a Fujifilm Zoom Date 1000 camera and some Lomography CN400 film (a big fave of mine!) I hadn’t heard of this camera before so I was excited to try it out - and as usual my first port of call for taking photos was Kirkstall Abbey.


Overall the results from this first roll of film were mixed, mostly due to user error rather than anything to do with the camera. Now that I’ve spent more time figuring out my style of photos I struggle with cameras that have fixed lens as I prefer being more in control of the focus - its one of the reasons I love my Canon EOS 750 so much and that I use my Refurb LC-A less than I did a couple of years ago.

That being said - the photos that did turn out well, turned out really well - like these four especially.

Camera: Fujifilm Zoom Date 1000
Film: Lomography CN 400
Location: Kirkstall Abbey, Leeds

Single frame: Double Yellow

Single frame series once again inspired by Jim Grey


This photo has three of my favourite things - tea (| know, so English but really… I love it!), daffodils and yellow! So it definitely deserves a place all to itself on my blog.

Is anyone starting to feel that little feeling in their chest when the sun starts to shine for a bit longer? Winter is so hard for me and yet every Summer I forget just how hard it is and by this time of the year I’m like ‘whyyyy is it so long?!’. But we’re nearly there and I made it through! Thats definitely something to celebrate with a double yellow photo.

Camera: Minolta X-500
Film: Lomography CN 400
Location: Norfolk