Dearest blogging world...

You are amazing!

But sometimes I bite off more than I can chew.

Before Christmas I was completely overwhelmed with blogging - the constant 800+ in my reader despite how much I read, the huge number of comments that I hadn't replied too, the followers blogs that I hadn't looked at or commented on...

...and although I was energised and ready to sort this head on once I got back - being sick has once again left me totally overwhelmed and I honestly feel so stressed.

I want to reply to everyones comments, I want to look at all my followers blogs but these things take time and time is something that I seem to have less and less of.

So... I'm clearing out my reader, the blogs I follow and my head - too many blogs that I don't really read properly are taking away my time from the ones I love and taking time away from enjoying my own blog (and the photoswap, I haven't forgotten about it...) which really is why I'm here.

Being a good blogger is incredibly hard work and I want to be a great blogger - not a good blog skimmer and I want to enjoy blogging again. So bear with me for a while whilst I clear out all the cobwebs and hopefully my blog, my shop (which I have woefully abandoned for a while) and I will be ready to face 2010 properly!

Thank you again for being so patient with me, I am still amazed by all the lovely comments I get and amazing followers that I have :)

love Rhianne

Little letters to some lovely ladies...

{Image by Faded*Plains}

I cannot get enough of these little letters... I hope you aren't getting fed up of them...

Dear Nicole,
I'm so glad your parcel arrived ok, I am so excited that we are blog friends and thank you so much for emailing me, they always make my day :)

Dear Diana,

I love love love your shop!

Dear Paulina and Wendy,
Just the idea of a tea party is so amazing, I can't imagine how excited I will actually be when this happens! hehe!

Dear Adele,
I'm a teeny bit jealous of your polaroid camera but please take more as they are so pretty.

Dear Sara,
Thank you for letting me know the time where you are, since I started blogging I've been fascinated with the time differences between bloggers. Oh and I loved your post today!

Dear Marisa,
Thank you so much for buying some of my prints! I was super excited about it all weekend!

oh and...

Dear Photoswappers,
You have two weeks to finish your roll of film/ disposable camera and get it in the post.
I can't wait to see the results!!


Dear readers/followers (old and new),
Hurray that you are here and reading my posts.
I still can't really believe it...
Thank you.

Love Rhianne x

Little letters to the future...

Dear future sunsets at the bus stop,
You will make waiting much more bearable, I look forward to taking more photos
Dear future weekend,
You are going to be so much fun, you already sound too good to be true.

Dear future polaroid camera,
Why don't I own you yet? This is your second letter...

Dear future nieces and nephews*,
Hurry up! I'm so excited about you already, I can't wait to be your cool Auntie

p.s. I need someone to take to see kids films with me before I start looking uncool...

Dear future puppies and kittens,
I love you already - even if you will wee on my bed and chew my shoes...

Dear future Thomas,
If I love you this much now - imagine how much I will love you then :)

Dear future car,
I am really surprised by how much I can't wait to drive you, I hope you're red.

Dear future pumpkins,
you will look impressive next time... and stand up straight.

Dear future,
You look bright and I can't wait!

*I probably should point out that my sister isn't pregnant and I don't think she plans to be I'm just impatient :)