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Dear Diana,
Dear Paulina and Wendy,
Just the idea of a tea party is so amazing, I can't imagine how excited I will actually be when this happens! hehe!
Dear Adele,
I'm a teeny bit jealous of your polaroid camera but please take more as they are so pretty.
Dear Sara,
Thank you for letting me know the time where you are, since I started blogging I've been fascinated with the time differences between bloggers. Oh and I loved your post today!
Dear Marisa,
Thank you so much for buying some of my prints! I was super excited about it all weekend!
oh and...
Dear Photoswappers,
You have two weeks to finish your roll of film/ disposable camera and get it in the post.
I can't wait to see the results!!
Dear readers/followers (old and new),
Hurray that you are here and reading my posts.
I still can't really believe it...
Thank you.
Love Rhianne x
Dear future polaroid camera,
Why don't I own you yet? This is your second letter...
Dear future nieces and nephews*,
Hurry up! I'm so excited about you already, I can't wait to be your cool Auntie
Dear future puppies and kittens,
I love you already - even if you will wee on my bed and chew my shoes...
Dear future Thomas,
If I love you this much now - imagine how much I will love you then :)
Dear future car,
I am really surprised by how much I can't wait to drive you, I hope you're red.
Dear future pumpkins,
you will look impressive next time... and stand up straight.
Dear future,
You look bright and I can't wait!
*I probably should point out that my sister isn't pregnant and I don't think she plans to be I'm just impatient :)
All photos are mine unless stated otherwise. Please do not use any of my photos without asking for my permission.
I love getting comments and replying to them especially. If you leave a comment, check back in a few days and hopefully I should have replied.