Beningbrough Hall Revisited

I’m catching up with my photos from 2019 and as I went to put the photos together here, I felt nervous. These are not perfect. I developed them myself and frustratingly, they didn’t dry too well, so they look messy. And even after sooo many years of blogging - that feeling of exposing yourself - and your flaws - it still makes my toes curl.

But at the same time - I love these photos - you know I love a historic house, I love little details, I love silhouettes and I love that once I get the hang of developing my own photos, these will be another vital part of the growth of my photography journey. And growth is messy!

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Kodak Tri-X 400 - sent to me by
Kodak Alaris and developed and scanned by myself (flaws and all ha)
Beningbrough Hall

2020 366 Project 1-3

After completing my 366 project in 2016 - I decided that leap years were going to be the time that I do my 366 projects. Every 4 years is doable and actually quite fun. But I did not account for 2020 being… 2020 ha. I made a great start, I really did. I got to day 65 and then… covid-19 and lockdown.

Sure I could have taken photos in the garden and of the cats, and maybe of the plants I’m growing. But a 366 project just hasn’t been at the top of my list for the last 100 or so days that I haven’t been within 4 miles away from my house. I’m not even going to feel that bad about it - no one could have planned for this and getting through it any way I can has been my aim. I hope you’re all getting through it too and that you’re ok.

That being said, I have an easy 65 photos to share! So lets share them anyway - heres the first 3 photos from this years 65/366 project!


1/366 2020 - We went to a restaurant on new years day for burgers! Remember restaurants?


2/366 2020 - I spotted this on the way to work - smiled and kept walking. Then remembered that I was doing a 366 project and that this was the photo of the day! Not bad for before 9am.


3-366 2020 - I’m not sure why I took this, I think I just saw the pretty light and took it. I like it.

I think my favourite thing about these 65 photos I have to share is that they really represented the year so far - it was such a good year until day 65. We saw my family twice, we were starting to have days out and we had so many plans for May and June coming up. I'm definitely mourning the year that could have been looking through these whilst trying to remind myself that we’re safe and ok and that this weird time will pass eventually.

Much love to everyone, what times we live in huh.

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Kodak T-Max 400- sent to me by Kodak Alaris and developed and scanned by myself (oh yeah!) This is also why the film looks a bit streaky, I’m learning, don’t judge.