Hello! Remember me?

Hey kids, sorry for the radio silence, this year has been a bit crazy - pretty much from May onward I feel like I’ve been taking steps in so many directions that I’ve just ended up running in circles haha. Still we’ve made to the end of the year - and in the last couple of weeks I’ve had to decide what I really want to do with this space.

I knew I didn’t want it to disappear, I feel like this blog is the best thing to come out of the 6 years I spent at a job that didn’t take me anywhere - yet I wasn’t sharing, wasn’t taking photos. Then Flickr decided to be extra and charge for having over 1,000 photos on there. Ouch, I have 8,000! So I then had to decide what to do about that - and as Flickr is linked quite a lot with my earlier blog posts, I decided that I better keep both.

And keeping both costs money, so if I’m keeping both - I better actually use them. And here we are… here I am! Hi! I’m sure you haven’t missed me, but I’ve missed you.

I also decided that if I am sharing here, I’m going to share whatever I want. And that at the moment includes tarot cards, knitting, crochet (those are all over my Pinterest anywho), anxiety, food intolerances, grief, engineering (get me!) and of course, our favourite subject - film photography. There will still be photos once get I get myself organised don’t worry.

Over all though guys, I want there to be love. A love of taking photos, a love of doing something that is just for you, a love of sharing and (re)connecting to the world, a love of all the good things and a love of all the bad things.

My instagram reads: ~ love ~ create ~ inspire ~ smile ~ and I think perhaps its time to get back to all those things and remember why I loved blogging in the first.

(And if after a year of paying for Flickr, I haven’t blogged and its just not worth the investment, then we’ll see… but positive thinking right?!)

More yellow

I never get bored of yellow. I must have loads of photos like this but I still take them, they make me happy. Hurray yellow!

These photos were also taken whilst walking up and around Arthur's Sear. I sucessfully took zero photos of the view with this camera haha.

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Agfa Vista 200
Location: Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh

They grow so fast!

Remember my teeny nephew...? (You might not, that's OK, its an Auntie's job to be totally into their nieces and nephews haha). Well, he's not so tiny anymore, in fact, he's big, crawling and into chocolate and swings. Which are also two of my favourite things (just saying... we're both cool).

Gahh he's ridiculously cute right? I'm baised of course. But he is adorbs. I only got to see him once on our last visit home but luckily I'll be seeing him again this weekend and I can't wait!

Camera: Minolta X-500
Film: Lomo 400 CN