More Scarborough Love

As well as taking my new to me LC-A out and about recently, I’ve also been taking my Olympus OM-10 on little adventures. I feel a bit bad about my Canon EOS 750 gathering dust but its time will come again I’m sure.

We had lunch at Ask Italian (pea puree instead of tomato sauce on the base is my current new favourite thing - don’t @ me) overlooking the harbour and it was such a gloriously sunny day for it. What a treat!

Camera: Olympus OM-10
Film: Fuji Superia 200
Location: Scarborough

Sandilands, Lincolnshire

Even though I grew up in Norfolk we never ventured to the Lincolnshire coast line, so I was pleasantly surprised that it was really lovely, similar to Norfolk (which you would expect) but with its own certain charm to it. I mentioned before loving the beach huts in Sandilands and you can see them here with the front and back windows - totally delightful!

We didn’t have much time here, so I’m hoping if I do go back again soon to keep my eye out for more little details and colours that catch my eye!

Camera: Olympus OM-10
Film: Fuji Superia 200
Location: Sandilands, Lincolnshire

More LC-A III photos

I’ve become quite taken with calling my new to me LC-A, ‘LC-A the Third’ haha - I’m so easily amused (as well as distracted obviously). I spent ages trying to figure out how I was going to label the new LC-A photos on here and LC-A III tickled me - and its stuck for a name too. So theres that explanation of that…

Anyway, photos. The main attraction. I took these in Scarborough on perhaps the luckiest sunny day at the end of Summer and had so much fun taking photos of people on the beach. I love the British seaside, I really do.

Its still so wonderful to see people out and about again. I loved the couples in the first two photos and I especially loved the Mum taking a photo of their kid on the beach in the last photo (can you tell thats whats happening? I hope so).

It’s grey and dull here now in Leeds and its making grateful that we managed to get some time out in the sunshine before I go back into hibernation mode for the winter (CFS/ME does not like the cold!)

Camera: LCA (the third)
Location: Scarborough
Film: Fuji Superia 200

Starting all over again, again...and again

You may remember that back in 2016 I started using my beloved refurbished LC-A from Lomography for my 366 photo project and I started to notice it was having problems. In the end, I took it to a camera repair person, who unfortunately couldn’t save my lovely little camera.

Flash forward to now and I’ve been finding my bigger cameras harder to carry when I’m CFS/ME flaring and even longer lengths of time are difficult when I’m feeling not as bad - so I knew that if I was going to keep taking film photos I needed something like my little LC-A that I could easily carry and snap a pic with.

After a bit of thinking I realised that if I needed something like my LC-A, I should just buy another LC-A (duh Rhianne) I decided against a Lomography LC-A+ pretty fast - they’re nice enough cameras but they are so pricey. Instead I looked on Ebay and found another old
LC-A for £60 - bargain!!


And here it is, pictured below my first beloved LC-A. I took it away with us recently and the first roll of photos are back, woohoo! Heres a taste…

Definitely another learning curve for sure, the vignette is much stronger on this camera and I think it might have a slight light leak in the top left hand corner - I’ll have to run another film through it and see how it goes. Overall though, I like it.

These are slightly edited as my dumb self used a 200 film at the end of summer and I really should have used a 400 - but all things considering I’m so relieved that its worked, the photos were recoverable and that I’m happy with the results. I can’t wait to go out and about with an LC-A again!

Camera: LC-A the Third*
Film: Fuji Superia 200
Location: Bempton Cliffs

(* Technically this is my 3rd LC-A - the first one Lomography sent me way back when was a dud, so I swapped that for my seen above beloved LC-A featured here with the first ever photos I took with it in 2012 and a blog post called Starting all over again… again. Hence the crazy blog title… but you know by now that I love a running theme. )