Starting all over again, again...and again

You may remember that back in 2016 I started using my beloved refurbished LC-A from Lomography for my 366 photo project and I started to notice it was having problems. In the end, I took it to a camera repair person, who unfortunately couldn’t save my lovely little camera.

Flash forward to now and I’ve been finding my bigger cameras harder to carry when I’m CFS/ME flaring and even longer lengths of time are difficult when I’m feeling not as bad - so I knew that if I was going to keep taking film photos I needed something like my little LC-A that I could easily carry and snap a pic with.

After a bit of thinking I realised that if I needed something like my LC-A, I should just buy another LC-A (duh Rhianne) I decided against a Lomography LC-A+ pretty fast - they’re nice enough cameras but they are so pricey. Instead I looked on Ebay and found another old
LC-A for £60 - bargain!!


And here it is, pictured below my first beloved LC-A. I took it away with us recently and the first roll of photos are back, woohoo! Heres a taste…

Definitely another learning curve for sure, the vignette is much stronger on this camera and I think it might have a slight light leak in the top left hand corner - I’ll have to run another film through it and see how it goes. Overall though, I like it.

These are slightly edited as my dumb self used a 200 film at the end of summer and I really should have used a 400 - but all things considering I’m so relieved that its worked, the photos were recoverable and that I’m happy with the results. I can’t wait to go out and about with an LC-A again!

Camera: LC-A the Third*
Film: Fuji Superia 200
Location: Bempton Cliffs

(* Technically this is my 3rd LC-A - the first one Lomography sent me way back when was a dud, so I swapped that for my seen above beloved LC-A featured here with the first ever photos I took with it in 2012 and a blog post called Starting all over again… again. Hence the crazy blog title… but you know by now that I love a running theme. )