Little Details in Black and White

Continuing on with my fling with black and white film are some of my favourite photos from last year! Look at all the details... totally swoon worthy!


I got totally trigger happy taking all these photos within the space of a few minutes, but it was so easy to do!

Camera: Canon ESO 75-0
Film: Kodak BW400CN (my fave)
Location: Sewerby Hall

Leeds Through Their Eyes: Paul

It's been a while since I featured someone else's photos of Leeds here but I was fortuitous to see Paul from Reece Photography photos on Twitter recently. And luckily for all of us he said yes to being featured here too! Thank you so much Paul.

One of my favourite things about photography is that it really shows how people see things so differently - the things I choose to photograph in Leeds are different to someone else's and the way they capture it too, is different again. I love these differences and that photography allows us to express them. 


What do you think so far? If Dianne showed Leeds as dirty - Paul 100% shows Leeds as brutal - yet there is a softness there too, of the people who move through the brutality and even thrive in it. I love both sides of Leeds and how Paul has managed to capture that so wonderfully too.

If you love these, please do check out Paul's website Reece Photography. Paul is also on Twitter and Instagram too, so have a look! 

For more 'Leeds Through Their Eyes' photos click here.

These photos are used with Paul's permission so please do not reuse them.


A Fling with Black and White

I'm usually a colour film fan but at the moment I'm having a little fling with black and white and I must say, I am really enjoying it. Using my favourite Kodak BW400CN here definitely helped (Whyyy Kodak? Whyyyyy?!)

These were all taken at Sewerby Hall near Bridlington which was a real delightful place to visit - a treat especially for a photographer at least! Look at these, I couldn't pick a favourite, I love them.

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Kodak BW400CN
Location: Sewerby Hall