Lovely Ladies

Anyone else a sucker for a lovely statue? Just me?


Funny story about that second photo - I really wanted a photo of the couple on the bench framed by the wooden supports, but they were really watching me and I really hate that when I'm taking photos, anyone else feel like that with people watching, just super uncomfortable? So instead I framed them next to the statue and you know what, I think I prefer it with the statue in. Statue bottom and all...

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Lomography CN400
Location: Sewerby Hall

Little Details in Black and White

Continuing on with my fling with black and white film are some of my favourite photos from last year! Look at all the details... totally swoon worthy!


I got totally trigger happy taking all these photos within the space of a few minutes, but it was so easy to do!

Camera: Canon ESO 75-0
Film: Kodak BW400CN (my fave)
Location: Sewerby Hall

A Fling with Black and White

I'm usually a colour film fan but at the moment I'm having a little fling with black and white and I must say, I am really enjoying it. Using my favourite Kodak BW400CN here definitely helped (Whyyy Kodak? Whyyyyy?!)

These were all taken at Sewerby Hall near Bridlington which was a real delightful place to visit - a treat especially for a photographer at least! Look at these, I couldn't pick a favourite, I love them.

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Kodak BW400CN
Location: Sewerby Hall

Sewerby Hall Walled Garden

I'm a little amazed that I haven't shared any photos from Sewerby Hall here yet - but the good news is  -  I have photos from Sewerby Hall to share here now, hurray! As well as being a gorgeous hall, with a small zoo area (!) the grounds of Sewerby Hall also had a walled garden and as a fan of the Secret Garden when I was younger - it was a dream!! There were also a lot of flowers, which obviously I loved too.

Now I know I haven't shared any photos from Sewerby Hall yet, I'll definitely be sharing some more soon!

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Lomo CN 400
Location: Sewerby Hall