Forgotten photos: Kirkstall Abbey

I was so focused on my 365 project last year and making sure I shared all the photos from that here (we're nearly there folks!) that I managed to forget sharing quite a few photos here that weren't a part of that project. I'm amazed at least two of these didn't make the 365 cut but I guess that's how it went! I can't wait for the Spring flowers to return to the abbey though like in the first picture, so pretty.

I absolutely adore the last photo... if you zoom in, you might be able to see the picnic they've set up on the bench and that its an adult and child together. It looks like such a perfect memory to be creating, I hope it was for them. 

Also the dirty Leeds comment on the plaque really made me laugh. It is dirty, but we southerners love it anyway!

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Agfa Vista 200
Location: Kirkstall Abbey

Photos that didn't make the 366 project cut...

I mentioned in my 'Tips for a 365 Project' post that I had a folder of back up photos I took throughout the year 'just in case'  - I have no idea of what just in case would have meant, but I think I felt better having it as a comfort blanket to the project even though I never used any of these photos or had a 'just in case' situation occur.

Looking back I can't really remember when any of these were taken - but they're all in Leeds, around work and on my walk home or to work, so getting out and about the city definitely helped me with taking photos.

One thing these have reminded me though is that I really love colour film in Spring/Summer so I'm looking forward to using that again once I've finished the roll of B&W in my camera... 

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Agfa Vista 200