10 months!!

As excited as I am about my new camera, I'm also hugely excited about my friends wedding next year!! And now theres only 10 months to go!

During the last month I have tried on a beautiful bridesmaid dress (it really was lovely) and thats it - I really feel like I should be doing more to help but I haven't been given anything to do yet... so instead I shall share another snippet of the wedding and hopefully this time next month I will have a longer list of duties to report...

{all images from favorideas.com}

The theme of the wedding is going to be butterflies - how gorgeous!! Its going to be stunning...

Hopefully I will have had enough practice with my new camera by then to get some great photos... I'm so excited!!

'Its Wednesday... I'm in Love'

{perfect picture - fountaincoke on flickr}
I've lost count of the number of times I've fallen in love with my boyfriend... just as I think I can't love him any more he says or does something that makes my heart flutter.

If he didn't already have my heart yesterday I would have thought that he was a man after it!

We were sitting on the couch talking about weddings (happening a bit at the moment, which is bizarre as neither of us really want to get married yet, I blame all our friends getting married!) and I said that I loved the photobooth idea and he said...

"Wouldn't it better to have someone go round with a polaroid camera? Then people could write things underneath the photo and we could stick them on a wall."

Eeep!! Yes it would! That sounds perfect to me :)
(I hope he doesn't read this now - its a bit embarrassing when you get caught gushing...
how cute is he for coming up with that himself though !)

Things I've learnt from blogs this week...

Its been a looong short week (if you know what I mean) and I'm so excited its the weekend! I'm going to Harrogate (ohhh) for the day with some of the girls, it will be nice to catch up. I'll try to remember the camera and take some pictures!

  1. Cupcakes should have stands – so cute!
  2. Rainy days aren't so bad (as long as I’m sat inside…)
  3. Seedling wedding favours are a great idea…
  4. …but photobooths at weddings may be the 1 reason to get married!! Here & here!
    (I love so much I told the boyfriend – he’s not so sure, hehe)
  5. Just because you can recycle things – doesn’t always mean you should
    (I love this blog, it helped to cheer me up!)

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!