My name is Fallon and I am easily distracted

Hi there! I'm Fallon of Fairytale Wishes & Dreams. When I found out that Rhianne would be going on vacation I was more than happy to help her out with her fabulous blog. Blogging in general is for the easily distracted, so when Rhianne asked me to share the things that distract me, I was a little stumped at where to start. I am a very visual , as I am sure most of your are, so many things distract me on a daily basis. Below are a few of the things that really stood out to me when I though about it. In no particular order below are a few of my favorite distractions.

Shopping for and browsing vintage trims & notions.
Oh, and Decor8 is a pretty nice distraction as well ;)
Image via Decor8blog

Riding my bicycle & fresh flowers from the farmers market...
Photo Credit: Fallon Carmichael

Listening to what I refer to as "daydreaming music"
including Etta James, Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra to name a few.
Click here to view my current playlist.

Adding to my never-ending list of favorites on

I wish I had more time than I do to be distracted creating college's & sketching design ideas...
Original work by Fallon Carmichael

Browsing used bookstores for hours on end...
-Image via flickr

Getting lost one click at a time on

Storing and then revisiting my favorite images on Tumblr.

Thank you for joining me for a glimpse into my lovely distractions. I hope to see you all again.

Fairytale Wishes & Dreams

My name is Chelsea and I am easily distracted...

Hello all. Chelsea here from life is beautiful. I am both honored & excited to be guest posting here on Rhianne’s lovely blog. And even more excited about the wonderful theme of things that easily distract me. If you know me at all, you know that I am very easily distracted by the beautiful things in life.
So, here goes:

My polaroid camera...

My polaroid camera.

I think that anything looks brilliant through the eyes of a Polaroid camera, & so inspiration strikes often when I want to whip my baby out. We’re talking a puddle of water, a dried leaf on the sidewalk, even a cup of coffee. EVERYTHING looks brilliant as a Polaroid.

My dog...
My dog.

Guinness is tied with my husband for the love of my life {you think I’m kidding}. Luckily husband has many, many activities that keep him busy, whereas G is always by my side waiting for my attention. Let’s just say that he usually gets it. I am pleasantly distracted by G at least 10 times a day. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

My thoughts...

My thoughts.

I am possibly the most scatterbrained person ever. My thoughts always jump from one thing to another to another. I freak out if I don't have somewhere to write them.... and it's usually a squiggly mess since I'm just trying to get them out of my head as soon as possible. Lists are my best friend and I ALWAYS carry a little notebook in my bag.


So many lovely blogs to read, so little time. I constantly peek into my GoogleReader during the work day because I just can't resist and usually end up staying on reading longer than I should. It's really bad when one blog links to another great one and so on. I just can't stop!



Music means everything to me and sometimes I just have to be listening to the right song/artist in order to get something done. Phoenix helps me clean, Death Cab helps me unwind, and Regina Spektor sends my mind off somewhere romantic with husband. But let's just say if the wrong tune is playing at the wrong time, you'll have to go fetch my mind from Paris and get it back to work!

It's pretty hard to narrow down what distracts me into one post.... my blog is basically a big rambling story of everything that distracts me in life. It's hard to stay focused with so many lovely things in life.


My name is Wendy and I am easily distracted...

Hello! When Rhianne asked for babysitters for her gorgeous blog, I couldn’t resist, especially when I found out the theme was ‘things that easily distract you’. At Red Boots I post about my life and the things I adore, and ultimately about the things that easily distract me, so I hope I’m a well qualified blog babysitter!

I thought I’d gather up of some of the things that keep me distracted when I should be working or during the wee small hours of the night when I should be sleeping, or things that I look at simply when I need some inspiration or am feeling a bit down...

Caravans... {Flickr}

If things ever get too tough, I swear I’m going to quit my house and go and live in it. Sometimes I dream about sitting in one with a good book, a cup of steaming hot earl grey tea and a scone. What could be more magical? If you want to join me then you better get in quick because space looks quite tight!


{Pillow on Etsy and Lamp from Anthropolgie}

On pillows, lamps or on anything really – I have to admit that I do have a bit of an owl obsession.

Geese...{spotted here, available here}

Specifically, this goose lamp! My love of avian related objects knows no bounds I’m afraid... I would definitely glow with happiness if I had one of these beauties.

Perler Beads... {Flickr}

Perler Beads.
Some people call them Hama beads – I prefer plain old perler. I find it really soothing creating patterns and pictures out of the beads. Boyfriend loves the fact that we now have a steady stream of coasters and mats...

Mialiv creates some gorgeous perler designs, which I adore looking at.Who knew you could create such beauties with some beads and a hot iron? And a bit of a tip for you: I picked up a load of beads and plates from Ikea recently, which were much cheaper than normal craft stores.

Chocolate Freckles... {Lobster and Swan}

Chocolate Freckles.
Whenever I bake these, my boyfriend and I can’t stay away from them. We promise ourselves to just take one, but before we know it we’ve eaten five each! I took a batch into work one day and within half an hour all were gone, so we can’t be the only ones distracted by them!

I found the recipe in a Marks and Spencer cookie book, but Lobster and Swan has also posted the recipe on her blog (which is also rather distracting!).


My name is Clara and I am easily distracted...

We get fascinated easily when we see popstars, celebrities, famous designers, sparkling items and luxurious gems. We are thrilled to talk about fashions, politics, public figures, mass-media... as they're big. Extraordinary. Influential. But life is not constructed only by the massive particles - it was built in stages from the constellation of small materials.

So when there's a question: what things that could easily distract you? Instead of picking several popular things that have lay down for ages in my hegemonic mind, I choose something 'smaller', more simple and quite ordinary. Things that we can find around us, things that probably we see and feel everyday... things that we sometimes forget:

Like the beautiful skies and cute-shaped clouds...

click on the picture to get the source.

the lonely road we're passing by...

see here and here.

...or the small living creatures on the suburbans...

click for the source : (I) 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 (II) 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

... the gentle wind that blows our hair...

images via here.

...the mysterious shadows that we rarely realized...

from here.

...the hidden story between every door and window...

can be found here 1-2-3-4

...the lonely old people...

images from here.

and every little thing about life itself : nature, human beings, interactions... love.

click here 1-2-3-4

There are lots of things in the universe and even more can be found in our life. All we need is a little stop and moments to stare around a bit longer than usual... Find the sense of every thing exists, and imagine if every of them has their own stories. You'll find yourselves distracted by its richness and majesty... those ordinary things that are forgotten.
But we can start remembering... from now.

*This post is specially-prepared for my beloved friend Rhianne - thank you for the opportunity. Such an honor to share my thoughts with you and your lovely readers.

Love from Indonesia,