Dear Friday's...

I have missed you!
I've missed the routine...
I've missed the blanks...
and I've really missed sharing links...
its been too long and I want my blog back!

{inspired as always by the lovely lauren}

1. The very best thing about the summer is beer gardens… I have no idea what this says about me but I love going to a pub and sitting with friends having a nice cool drink and chatting about everything… it isn’t even warm enough for that here yet though… boo.

2. My first crush ever was Taylor Hanson – can you believe he’s married with like 4 kids now?? He’s still dishy I must admit but he’s a bit skinny for me now – I saw Hanson a couple of years ago when we were living in London and he was sporting the skinniest jeans I’ve ever seen… ever.

3. This may sound really silly but… I was really loving the idea of decorating a house and buying things for it that I knew would stay there for a while… I might be avoiding design blog’s at the moment whilst I get over it.

4. I squeeze my toothpaste from the bottom but Thomas squeezes from the top – it annoys me.

5. My absolute favourite "comfort food" is – I have no idea anymore – before we gave up sugar it would have been chocolate or cookies but my taste buds are totally different now… I’m going to go with Chilli – I really love that at the moment…

6. A random fact about me is that I am really not that cool... I don’t think I ever have been…

7. The one piece of technology that truly makes my life better and I couldn't live without is my phone.

And here are some amazing links for you, I added a few extras as its been a while - hurray!

  1. A rather amazing engagement photo shoot - I wish I had thought of it!
  2. Gorgeous Diana photos of dogs - I need a dog.
  3. I love Seinfeld!! (believe it or not... I'm not home...)
  4. I wish what was in my bag looked like this...
  5. I love art and this cake is amazing!
  6. A happy yellow montage with a great quote
Oh and I nearly forgot, giveaway winners!

First a massive thank you to all of the lovely shops involved, they really are amazing and if you have a chance please look around them again. Second, thank you for all your great comments, I had so much fun reading through them and I loved seeing what people's favourites were.

So here goes...

The winner of: Diana's Polaroid Carnival Set which includes 3 gorgeous 5x5 prints of polaroid photos is... Micaela!

The winner of: an 8 x 10 print of Phebe's delightful Legs in the Sky print is... Adele!

The winner of: An 8 x 10 print of Sarah's beautiful Polaroid 640 in teal is... Alexis!

The winner of: a set of Cute n Boots darling polaroid pocket books portraying a time line of polaroid cameras is... Bklyn76!

Congratulations to all the winners - I will be contacting you shortly.

Happy weekend!

A polaroid themed giveaway - closed!!

Right now I am (hopefully) sitting on a train to Minehead for ATP curated by Matt Groening! I am so excited!

So... as I have no polaroids to share with you today I decided that now would be an awesome time to have a giveaway to celebrate polaroid week and being nice!

This giveaway is a bit epic as there will be
not one but four different winners
each winning something from a truly wonderful shop.

I must admit I am a teeny bit jealous of the winners already.

First up is the lovely Diana with her shop City Light Photography. I have loved Diana's work for almost as long as I have been blogging and I always automatically think of her images when I think of polaroids so I am delighted to include her work in the giveaway!

So you can win... Diana's Polaroid Carnival Set which includes 3 gorgeous 5x5 prints of polaroid photos.

Next up is Phebe with her creative polaroid prints, I only discovered Phebe's flickr this week through Pugly Pixel but I was instantly smitten and inspired by her sense of fun and adventure especially as I am just now starting to take polaroids of my own.

So you can win... an 8 x 10 print of Phebe's delightful Legs in the Sky print.

Next is Sarah from Urban Varieties with her amazing prints. I have a weakness for anything camera related on Etsy and when I first saw these my heart skipped a beat at the simplicity of how beautiful the black lines looked against the colour backgrounds. I could happily own one of each print if Thomas let me...

So you can win... An 8 x 10 print of Sarah's beautiful Polaroid 640 in teal.

And, last but not least is one of my favourite etsy shops, Cute n Boot. I already own some the pocket books from this shop and I absolutely adore carrying them around in my bag during the day just in case I need to write something down.

So you can win... a set of Cute n Boots darling polaroid pocket books portraying a time line of polaroid cameras.

The winners for this giveaway have now been announced.

Thank you to everyone who commented!!

Are you excited?? I am! I hope you have all loved Polaroid week not just here but on my tumblr and of course Flickr as well... I already can't wait for next year... I might have some colour polaroids by then!

Happy weekend!!

Giveaway winner and tumblr!

{ Fallen Glory by HolgaJen Photography}

Yeay, I do love giveaways and I am still especially excited about this one, I've been slowly planning my mystery parcel in my head for the past fews days :)

First a big thank you to Jen at HolgaJen Photography for agreeing to take part - I have admired her work for a long time now and its always exciting when people you admire turn out to be genuinely great people as well - don't forget to check out her amazing blog and shop - you know, just incase you missed something wonderful.

So, the winner of the giveaway is: Meghan from The Perfect Compilation Tape!

Well done Meghan, I will email you asap! And take a peek at her cute blog, I love it!

One year and 300 followers giveaway - Closed!

As promised another giveaway! I'm so excited!!

Once again I would like to thank all my amazing readers who have been so incredible this past year - this giveaway is for you.

Today's giveaway is from the amazing Holga Jen Photography!

I seriously love my holga camera and you can tell that Jen loves her too as she takes the most beautiful photos with her 120 format holga. I am so excited for the winner already.

As well as having an amazing shop on etsy, Jen also has a great blog which showcases her lovely photos. She also interviews other toy camera photographers (which I find fascinating) and has a great Holga on Etsy feature - if you love toy cameras, its a perfect blog!

So... you can win... a 6x6 copy of the print below

I love the colours and the soft lighting, just beautiful!!

And... as we're celebrating two exciting blog milestones today, the winner will also get...
a mystery package from me
I have no idea what to put it in it yet but I'm sure there will be some yellow, maybe a variety of photos (i do have alot of cameras) maybe even some chocolate... I don't know, but I can't wait to put it together!

How to enter: Check out Holga Jen's shop and let me know your favourite in a comment below! Simples.

The winner will be announced Thursday 24th February.

This giveaway is now closed!

Thank you so much again for reading my blog, it really amazes me how far it has come in such a short space of time and thank you to all of you who entered the giveaway!