Anyone else getting excited about Autumn?

Going through my blog posts and swapping everything from Flickr to Squarespace has made me a little nostalgic for everyone’s (and I mean everyone had one) Autumn posts about coffee, thick tights and wooly scarves. I can however share some photos of the gorgeous colours and light of Autumn, so that ticks one of the boxes at least.

I’ll definitely be making time to go take photos this Autumn I think!

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Lomography CN 400 (perfect for Autumn!)
Location: Roundhay Park, Leeds

The first photos taken with my Minolta X-500

I’ve shared quite a few photos from this camera now and its really grown on me. I hadn’t developed black and white film anywhere before when I got this camera as part of the Emulsive secret santa but it also came with a film of Kodak Tmax 400 film, so I figured the best way to start using it was with the film I was given.

I’ve talked about this film quite a bit recently after being sent some by Kodak and I am still loving all my results that I’ve had with it so far. Its dreamy yet got such a stark contrast, which I loooove.

I was absolutely delighted when I saw these as I was on my 3rd roll in that camera by then and relieved that I liked the photos. Its definitely coming away with us when we go away soon!

Camera: Minolta X-500
Film: Kodak TMax 400 (a new fave)
Location: Leeds


So I’m predictable… I know that… you probably know that by now. There are things I just take photos of when I see them - and boats - for some reason - is one of them.

I’ve so neglected my blog lately that these are from the beginning of 2018 - from even before we went to Edinburgh. I’m a little ashamed… but mostly excited because I actually have loads of photos to share with you now. Hopefully you’re excited too.

These were taken in Norfolk and they’re making me a little bit homesick. With my new term for Uni coming up soon, I’m not actually sure when I’ll get to go home - though we did have a longer visit during the Summer which was lovely. Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later though.

Camera: Minolta X-500
Film: TMax 400
Location: Wells-next-the-sea, Norfolk