Forgotten Photos: Krakow Town Hall

I've been checking through my Flickr

(It's my favourite self indulgent hobby)

and I realised that over 100 photos from Krakow weren't on there! So here are some forgotten photos with my two yashica cameras from the top of Krakow Town Hall.

It still amuses me that the photo of me really didn't work out but the light is pretty anyway...It really doesn't feel like that long since we were there.

Luckily this weekend I took two rolls of film, so hopefully my blog mojo will come back with some new photos - anyone else suffering from blogger blues at the moment? Is it the time of the year?

Cameras: Yashica Autofocus and Yashica Samurai
Film: Kodak ISO 200
Location: Krakow Town Hall, Poland

Krakow: Fuji Instax Mini's

Can you believe I still have Krakow photos to share with you?

Honestly, I'm a little sad that its been well over a month since we were there... I miss it. Its nice to have photos I love from there though...

These are a mixture of photos from the trip, including a random fort we found in the middle of no where outside of the city, my favourite - the Wavel dragon - and the lovely castle.

Have a wonderful weekend!!
p.s. don't forget about my shop and sale this weekend!!