Why hello there...

It is gorgeous outside today which for England is pretty rare... its the kind of day you wish you weren't working and you can hear the pub garden calling your name :)

Luckily we are going out for tapas and a gig tonight so I think I may insist we sit outside for a little while... I really hope the weather holds out for the rest of the weekend... in fact weather gods, the next few weeks (months would be pushing it right...) would be amazing!

Exactly* a year ago I wrote this post... and today I want to write exactly the same thing again!
So I am :)

Such a pretty blue tree.
I don't know which type of tree it is but it makes me smile
everytime I walk past it.
(and the colour looks gorgeous in fake polaroid, yeay)
*Isn't it amazing how nature works and just seems to know the passage of time.
I actually couldnt believe it when I saw it was the same date but last year...