{Photo taken in Scarborough with my Yashica Autofocus, I heart that camera}
Dear little blog,
Its odd to think that when we started we were both completely different. It's just a shame I'm stuck in the same job and it frustrates me. But you are still my haven and even though I'm feeling a little lost, I am going to pull it together and you will be my happy place again.
Dear Sunshine,
You make me happy but where is the warmth?
I want to wear my shorts (yes, I have shorts!!) and finally wear my yellow tights.
Dear poloroid camera,
After all the letters and the waiting - I'm afraid that we don't really get on as well as I had hoped... part of me is a little sad but the other is really happy that I seem to have found my medium in 35mm film and that I can enjoy looking at other peoples polaroids appreciating how incredible their work really is!
Dear fuji instax,
Don't worry I still adore you... we get along just fine.
Dear buses,
You seem to be running on time recently, I can't decide whether to be happy or suspicious.
Dear cookies,
It seems out of all the sugary foods that I miss you the most.
I'm worried now though that the next one I have won't live up to my expectations....
Dear negativity,
You creep up on me when I least expect it and you are starting to annoy me.
Dear self imposed blog rules,
I might start ignoring some of you soon, just to see what happens!
Dear moleskines,
All of a sudden I want to write and draw in you...
I just need to buy one first.
Do they come in yellow?!