
Having lived in Yorkshire for almost 4 years now I am slightly ashamed to admit that before Friday we had never been to Bridlington (or just Brid) and now that we finally have, I just want to go back again!

Aren't these the cutest doors?

A few fuji instax mini's, I love them both!

I'm not sure what happened here...

We only had a couple of hours before we needed to get to the caravan so we spent an hour looking around the Old Town and Priory, before getting the most amazing sandwiches from a local bakery and taking them down to the seafront to eat. (Food not pictured as it was very quickly devoured...)

We even managed a walk along the promenade, an ice cream and of course, a photo of our feet on the beach :)

p.s. can you just see my yashica autofocus in the bottom photo? I just dropped off 4 films to be processed so hopefully I should have more Brid photo next week, hurray!