This giveaway is now closed and the winner has been decided
thanks to everyone who entered!!
So in my thank you post last week I had a little note asking anyone who wanted to do a giveaway on my blog to email me (I know I'm lazy) and amazingly to my utter surprise someone did:
Jana from The Art Process.
Jana from The Art Process.

You may have seen Jana's beautiful work last week on Ruth Writes, so here is your second chance at winning a cute pair of earrings or a stunning necklace from Jana's shop!
How to enter: Take a look at Jana's shop and comment below by 12pm GMT Friday 16th October with which pair of earrings or necklace you would like if you win. The winner will be announced Friday afternoon.
Thank you again to all my readers - I seriously love having you guys here everyday and a huge thank you to the lovely Jana for emailing me in the first place!
Good luck!