Wish I may...

I love Susannah's blog Ink on my Fingers and when I saw this beautiful wishlist I knew I had to make one too...

{Holga photo taken by Me at Wells beach}

Here are a few of my wishes on 09-09-09 -"a day for wishing."

I wish for mine, my family and my Boyfriend's happiness. I wish to travel the world. I wish to continously love. I wish to be unafraid of change. I wish to find the perfect job for me - even if it is not what I expect or think it will be. I wish to have a vintage camera and the mini diana camera. I wish I had more self control when it comes to chocolate. I wish that I will have a garden sooner rather than later. I wish for a home near the beach. I wish for macaroons in Paris. I wish for jeans that never rip at the thighs. I wish I was brave enough to commit to one thing that I love doing completely and go with it, where ever it may take me...