Holga week = Holga giveaway - Now Closed!!!!

So this week is a dedicated holga week on my blog, celebrating my year spent taking photos with my beloved holga 135bc. I have some exciting posts coming up but what better way to celebrate than with a giveaway?! Hurray!
And I have to say, this one is rather amazing!
(you can thank me later...)

Holgarama is a UK based store which focuses primarily on selling holga camera, kits and accessories for a reasonable price within the UK.

After realising that getting hold of Holgas in the UK can be difficult and expensive, Holgarama took the initiative and decided to contact the manufacturers of the Holga camera directly and ask them about the possibility of importing some cameras into the UK to help out other people get their hands on these amazing cameras cheaply.
Isn't that fantastic!

I wish Holgarama had been around when I wanted to buy a Holga because as well as providing an amazing store for UK holga lovers, Holgarama is also a great resource for further information about holga cameras - with a great introduction to holgas and a must read Buyer's Guide detailing all the information you would want to know about which holga to choose.
So... you can win: A Yellow Orange Holga 135BC from Holgarama!

Isn't it lovely? I didn't even know you could get a yellow one!
Is two holgas too many? I want one too!

:: How to enter::

-Visit Holgarama and leave a comment letting me know which camera, kit or accessory is your favourite -

Holgarama has generously decided to deliver a holga internationally, so please show your support for them, your support for my blog and spread the holga love!

The winner for this giveaway has been announced!

Thank you to Holgarama and everyone who entered!

A celebratory giveaway - Closed

I'm excited
I love having a good reason to celebrate on here!
Hurray and happy dances!

A massive thank you to everyone who reads my blog, whether I read yours or not, you pop over and comment or whether you just hang back and enjoy, thank you! You keep me inspired to keep posting random things, to keep taking photos and to keep trying to stay positive and not let negative aspects of my life bother me too much. This giveaway is for you!

I'm hugely excited that Megan has once again offered to help me celebrate with her amazing work - I think I can safely say we've both come a long way since last August when we first worked together.

As well as being a talented photographer and a great blogger showcasing amazing etsy work, the processes of her work and snippets of her life, Megan is an amazing illustrator focusing on fairy tales and victorian ink work. I am still completely smitten with everything that she does.

So you can win... A 5x7 print of your choicefrom Studio MME

::How to enter::
Giveaway now closed. Thank you to everyone who entered.

Weekend and giveaway winner...

We've had such a lovely long weekend!

We walked on the beach alot
and I had a paddle in the sea.
We ate far too many cookies, danishes and delicious food,
(sorry diet... ha)
We looked around some shops
and admired some lovely looking cupcakes...
We enjoyed each others company and
we didn't plan anything.
It was amazing!
(boo for being back at work tomorrow)

On the plus side the winner of the giveaway is Farah!!
Congratulations love, I'll contact you asap :)

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend as well
check back tomorrow for something exciting!

A rather impromptu giveaway - Closed

After finally sorting out my box of cameras - I realised that there was a camera in there that I already had: this little panorama camera!

So I decided that I wanted to give it away to one of my readers!

It takes 35mm film and although I don't believe it has a true wide angle lens like the vivatar slim and wide and the image is cropped by a template onto the negative I still love how the pictures turn out and it was is easy to carry around and snap away happily with.

This camera is a true, cheap plastic camera!

If you're not convinced, here are some examples of photos that I have taken with it
and you can also see more examples here.

I love it and I think one of you will as well :)

:: How to enter ::

This giveaway is now closed!

p.s. if you happen to love film but don't own a film camera and perhaps enjoy a good swap, then now may be the perfect time to enter this giveaway... just saying...