All the best laid plans

My main treat for this year was going to be a year ticket for York Gate Garden and I’m so excited that its opened again for visitors so that I can go and take lots of photos - we’re hoping to go asap! These were taken last year after some particularly yummy food whilst sat in the sunshine.

I think that now, more than ever, these little details as so important to document, because you really don’t know when everything will be up in the air. As my husband quoted after finally watching Hamilton with me - ‘the world turned upside down’.*

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Kodak Ektar 100 - sent to me for free by
Kodak Alaris and scanned (successfully) by myself woo!
Location: York Gate Garden, Leeds

*he has partial regret because now I’m quoting it all the time to him after 3 years of being obsessed ha. It was worth the wait!

2020 366 Project 7-9

I’ve been looking through a lot of photos this week and I’m starting to get a bit overwhelmed by just how much has changed. The first week of this year, of this project, everything felt different. Everything was different. And now, here we are…


7/366 - Forever spotting lovely little details!


8/366 - Apparently this mural is 30 years old! I should really have waited to take a colour photo as B&W doesn’t do it any justice but it always catches my eye.


9/366 - I had no idea that this graveyard was in Leeds until I had to work in it - and now its one of my favourite hidden quiet spots.

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Kodak T-Max 400- sent to me by Kodak Alaris and developed and scanned by myself (oh yeah!)