2018 in Videos

Hello and happy new year!! I’m excited to be back to regular blogging - I’m thinking 2 posts a week - thats manageable isn’t it! So here we go with my first one of 2019.

Although I didn’t really blog that much last year and I used my personal instagram more than my film photography one (you’re following both right?) I have been using the 1 Second Everyday app and documenting the year that way.

And not only have I been using it for myself - but I’ve been making one for everyday that we’ve had with our new kittens too. Their video is my favourite haha! I did say I would put together a proper post introducing them and that is my plan - but for now - Pearl is the white/tabby one and Garnet is her black and white tuxedo cat brother. They have me totally around their little cat paws gahhhh.

I’ve really loved these projects and I definitely think I’ll be continuing for this year (2019!) as well. I share the monthly videos on Instagram - either at my personal account or for the account that I’ve made for the kittens (because I’m now that person ha!) so if you want to see them regularly, definitely follow me on Instagram!

Have you used 1 second everyday to make a video? I’d love to see other peoples videos too as I think they are so fun!

(Videos made using the 1 Second Everyday app)

Photography is like painting...

You've probably seen this video around already, but I love it, I really love it. I haven't picked a camera up since we got back from Porto. It feels weird. I've barely used Instagram either (other than to have a good look at other peoples photos) and my heart is aching a little knowing that I don't feel like it at the moment.

But it's ok, cos I know my cameras and films are waiting for me at home when I'm ready.