As I mentioned last week, Erin from
Perfect Sentiment did a post about
Paying it Forward. When I first read the post I had a serious think about commenting on it - could I pay it forward? Would I do it on my blog? What could I do? Then I just did it - I ignored all the reasons not too (lack of ideas for one) and decided that I wanted to do something nice for other people - I
wanted to pay it forward and I wanted to do it on my blog!
Once I had hit return I realised the comments were moderated and that the chance of me being in the top 3 was quite low... after all that agonising. So it was a bit of a shock when I heard from Erin, a good shock though. All this week I have been thinking (and so has boyfriend) about what to do and we've finally figured it out... so here are the rules:
The first three people who leave a comment on this post will receive a little surprise from me (and boyfriend!) The only catch is that you have to pay it forward to three more people. You don't have to have a blog to do this, just promise to keep it going by surprising three more people however you'd like.
How exciting! :)
(I'll probably do other things outside of my blog too - its fun to surprise people!)