How to Outsmart Tea Pirates!

If you've been following my blog for a while then you'll know that over the past three years I have made some amazing blog friends and one of the most talented (and nicest) people that I've had the privilege to get to know is Megan from Studio MME.
Over the last three years Megan has worked incredibly hard on her work and her blog to get to the stage where she is now - writing a book. And I couldn't be more thrilled for her. Read on for more details from Megan herself. 
Rhianne x

When I was little, I was too cool for real friends and not cool enough for imaginary ones.
 If books had counted as friends though, I would have been the most popular girl at school.  I’m embarrassed to say that I used to spend weekends organizing my bookcase.
Yep, I was that nerdy.

My favorite books included: Sabriel by Garth Nix, The Gashlycrumb Tinies by Edward Gorey, Imogene’s Antlers by David Small, and The Princess Bride by William Goldman.

All those years of book friending and bookcase organizing must have rubbed off on me because I’ve just written my very own book!


How to Outsmart Tea Pirates (and other useful sailing tips) 
contains a collection of my quirky pen and ink illustrations and my quirkier short stories.  It’s the book I wish had been on my bookshelf when I was little, but better late than never!

My fellow English majors always thought I was the weird one to write about such things as wallpaper that eats end tables, pirates with sugar tongs for hands, and the Barracollossus (the fish that eats bad boys and girls – tricycles and all).  But I love stuff like that and I know you do too!  I believe that this book can rekindle your wonder and spark your imagination.  It will have you laughing every story and wondering what would happen if the tales were real.  Would you set sail with the tea pirates and subject prisoners to high tea with pinkies up before they walk the plank?  Or would you sit in on the Court of the Gulls and help settle food disputes?  If you’re young at heart or if you’d like to add another special book to your shelf, I know you’ll enjoy my very first book!

 If you’d like to see a sneak peek chapter or hear an audio recording of a story,
you can find them HERE!

I’m having a very special pre-order until June 20th.  I love when an author signs a book so I’m signing every pre-order copy.  Plus, to make the book even more special, I’m including one extra, handwritten sailing tip!  (Just in case you’re at sea with the book.)

I’d love to know what your favorite childhood books were!


My photos are in a book...

I'm so excited!

When I joined Etsy, I also joined the Female Photographers of Etsy Team and Flickr Group and now the amazing fPOE design team have compiled the second fPOE team book as a celebration of 500 members titled Still: The Art of Living including two of my favourite photos I've taken - Across the Dunes, Rhosneigr and Winter Moon - both still available in my shop.

If you're interested you can preview and buy the book here...

I'll be saving up for my copy.

Lonely Werewolf Girl

I love the library - it is a place of wonder and hidden worlds. I also love picking up random books that look interesting and taking the risk. It doesn't cost me anything and who knows, I might find a hidden gem.

I'm not really sure why I picked up Lonely Werewolf Girl by Martin Millar this weekend - I already have 3 books I need to read at home - but something about the cover appealed to me, it was edgy and cool - to be honest, apart from the title it looked a little out of place in the sci-fi and fantasy section. The cover of the book reflects upon the story - although it is about werewolfs (and elementals) there is nothing fantastical about it - it is a realistic portayal of what it might be like for werewolfs in a modern time.

Once I started reading I was hooked despite my initial reservations of drug abuse within the story. The characters are intriguing: troubled yet likeable, the plot is complex and carefully woven together so that each chapter is a thrill and each storyline is compelling enough to make you want to read more. Compared to other books within the genre, Lonely Werewolf girl is a refreshing and welcome change and I look forward to discovering more about Martin Millar's work, especially The Good Fairies of New York.

Found a new book, yeay!

A hodgepodge of thoughts today :) Can't be helped, I had a whole weekend to think!

I found a new book at the library on Saturday, woop!! I love finding new books to read - the only problem is that I read them too fast, I read the book over the weekend and now I'm back to square one - nothing, boo. Anyway, the book was intriguing, very fast pace, vampires, werewolves and sexy -on par wth Laurell K Hamilton. Of course now I want to read the whole series! Only one bad point - the cover was a bit tacky I thought... but thats not really that important is it?

Check out Keri Arthur and the Riley Jenson Guardian Series - if you like vampires and that kind of thing...