Flowers and more flowers...

Life has been pretty busy lately - with work, tarot, photography, yoga, friends, family and spending time with Thomas - blogging has taken a bit of a back seat. I don't feel too bad about it, more of a niggling regret that perhaps blogging doesn't mean as much to me as it used to. Did anyone even notice I didn't blog for a week or that I haven't updated my 366 project on Instagram for a while? Probably not... and I'm oddly ok with that - everyone has their own life, their own distractions (see what I did there?! Ha!) most of my blog friends don't even blog anymore, so I rarely read other peoples blogs either... 

I still have my 366 project, so I'm happy to come back here for that and I still take my other photos that I definitely want to share here - I guess the regret mostly comes from the lack of community around this page but like I said above, I'm as much to blame for this. Something still keeps drawing me back here though - so don't give up on me yet (assuming you're even still here!)

Anyway, when things tend to get busy I fall back on one thing I know I love taking photos of - flowers. Each of my 366 project rolls has flowers scattered in between my 366 project photos, so this is a collection from the last 3 rolls of film that I finally got developed. Hurray for flowers!

Camera; Canon EOS 750
Film: Agfa Vista 200