Whilst I write this post its currently day 200 of this project and I'm genuinely amazed that I've managed to get this far with it - and that I've got to a point of where I really love doing it. I've missed some days sure but I've tried not to be too hard on myself about those and now I'm finding that I'll see more than one photo a day to take (which makes the final cut decision hard eep). So here are the last of our days in Malta, it feels like such a long time ago now but gosh did I really love it there.
144/366 - Azures Window on the island Gozo... it was so pretty in person and we even went on a little boat around the other side which was so fun! What a great day.
145/366 - Their matching outfits! I love it
146/366 - There are only a few beaches on Malta, so sitting on the sand was a real treat and look at the colour of the sea too! Perfect.
147/366 - Taken at the shrine in Mallieha.
Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Agfa Vista 200