A week of yellow...

My lovely blog friend Laura from Cardboard Cities has been hosting a week of yellow on her Instagram this week and sharing the most stunning yellow photos which I have just loved seeing (you all know that I love yellow right? I'm sure I've mentioned it before haha). 

Even though I haven't taken part with my digital photos on my phone or Instagram - I realised that I had a lot of yellow photos in my batch of films I got developed this week and today - to celebrate Laura's week of yellow - seemed like a good time to share those photos. Hurray for yellow!

If you want even more yellow - which of course you do - check out all the images for the #aweekofyellow tag here - and if thats not enough - check out my all time favourite Instagram tag ever #yellowisitmeyourelookingfor as well (second favourite is anything puppy related, third is crochet... in case you were wondering...).

Can you ever see too much yellow wonderfulness? I think not!

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Films: Kodak 200 & Lomo CN 400
Location: Various