Blog every day in May with Rosalilium

I rather impulsively signed up to Elizabeth's at Rosalilium's Blog every day in May project this morning in an attempt to push my blog boundaries... I've found it really easy to slip into sharing photos and only photos... so lets hope this pushes me to share more.  Check out the BEDM calendar here!


5 lines

  • I've recently started doing yoga everyday and its one of the best things I've done for myself lately.

  • Though I do hate that I have to get up earlier, but not as much as I love the yoga...

  • I'm currently addicted to browsing Society6 - there are so many talented people on there (check out my favourites!)

  • I haven't taken any film photos for a while and its making me a bit sad.

  • I really love my blog, but I'm not 100% sure I love 'blogging' at the moment... lets hope this helps.

p.s. I realised after reading some of everyones posts that I haven't actually introduced myself properly, so here's a little more: My name is Rhianne, I've been blogging for 4 years now and I mostly share my film photos. My favourite colour is mustard yellow.