Over the past couple of months I've been taking photos as part of the Lomo Lovers film swap. (which reminds me, I need to do mine again soon right?)
I was partnered with Davide and these photos are from the roll of Agfa CT Precisa 100 (which I cross processed) that Davide originally took in Italy(!) with his LC-A+ and then I doubled with my Superheadz Wide and Slim. What do you think of our results?
Even though some of the shots aren't lined up I still really like them. I was a bit dubious of green shades with cross processing after using the Lomography Xpro, but this Agfa film has a more turquoise shift rather than green and I love the shades of yellow it produces. I think I definitely need to buy some more of this film soon.
Check out the film swap Flickr group here too.
Film: Agfa Precisa CT 100 (Xpro'd)
Cameras: LC-A+ and Superheadz Wide and Slim
Location: Italy(!) and England. Woo.