Always a bridesmaid...

First I'm going to pretend that it is last Wednesday - the 24th - and that I am actually on time with this post (oops!) I'm also going to pretend that I have an extra week to make the rest of the 80 favour boxes that I have slowly been working on...

Anyway, here I am the second time I was a bridemaid to my other aunt and uncle.

I still don't know what to make of this one - I know that I didn't like my hair being crimped though... and I was definitely not as cute at 9 as I was at 3 :)

I can't wait to share my next bridesmaid picture with you this time next month!! Hurray!

p.s. A couple of people asked on Friday what a hen party was - I think in the US you call it a bachelorette party :) only a couple of days to go!