More yellow

I never get bored of yellow. I must have loads of photos like this but I still take them, they make me happy. Hurray yellow!

These photos were also taken whilst walking up and around Arthur's Sear. I sucessfully took zero photos of the view with this camera haha.

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Agfa Vista 200
Location: Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh

They grow so fast!

Remember my teeny nephew...? (You might not, that's OK, its an Auntie's job to be totally into their nieces and nephews haha). Well, he's not so tiny anymore, in fact, he's big, crawling and into chocolate and swings. Which are also two of my favourite things (just saying... we're both cool).

Gahh he's ridiculously cute right? I'm baised of course. But he is adorbs. I only got to see him once on our last visit home but luckily I'll be seeing him again this weekend and I can't wait!

Camera: Minolta X-500
Film: Lomo 400 CN


The top of Arthur's Seat

I guess you would expect these photos to be of the glorious views at the top of Arthurs Seat...and I did take some of those too - but they were with my LC-A which doesn't seem very happy at the moment so I won't be sharing those until I can get them to look at least half decent (it was editing or blogging ha, blogging won). I also took my Canon with me - and I decided that once I got to the top, I should really take a photo of something as I'd carried the heavy thing all the way there. I didn't really know what to take a photo of and then I spotted these padlocks. People really will put them anywhere these days!

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Agfa Vista 200
Location: Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh