Looking for Yellow

I had about half a film left in a camera that I was impatient to develop (impatient, me?? ha) so I decided to give myself a little project around Leeds - looking for my favourite colour! I saw someone do this on Twitter and thought it was a really fun idea (totally forgot who, bother).

It was so fun and yellow was in all sorts of places that I didn't expect (and some kind of obvious ones too). I'd just stopped eating dairy at the time too - so I felt a little mocked by the Caramac wrapper and the Mcdonalds cup (which could have been my favourite strawberry milkshake sigh) but I snapped them anyway haha.

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Lomo 400 CN
Location: Leeds

Nostell Priory

I shared some lovely Autumn photos from Nostell Priory and it was such a lovely place to visit. I'm a little sad it was way to dark to take photos inside the lovely old house but the grounds alone were really gorgeous and worth exploring.


I could have taken even more photos but we were there with visiting family and theres only so many times I can get tutted at for falling behind on our walks hahaha.

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Lomo CN 400
Location: Nostell Priory

Merchant Adventurers Hall

I meant to start the year with a positive, this is my word of the year, lets do this, kinda post. But lets face it January sucks if you struggle with mental health; its too dark, too miserable, too meh and too much effort and I can't quite bring myself to write that kind of post yet. Maybe in the next few weeks, who knows, things usually perk up in February with more light. I will tell you that the irony of this is that my word of the year is FOCUS - where I promised myself I would focus on the positive, focus on the good, and focus on the things I need to do. 

I'm doing the last one for sure at least - focusing on the things I need to do, and I'm focusing on myself - which means not forcing myself to write that post if I haven't got it in me. I'm still here though and the photos shall continue - which when you consider focus as a photography term - is perhaps even better haha.

There photos were taken last year in the Merchants Adventures Hall in York - it kind of looked like something from Stratford Upon Avon plonked in the city which was charming and unexpected, so I enjoyed looking around and taking photos.

The hall was being prepared for a wedding which I can imagine looked absolutely beautiful - what a stunning location for a wedding!

Camera: Yashica Samurai
Film: Agfa Vista 200
Location: Merchant Adventurers Hall, York