Diana Mini week = Diana Mini giveaway - CLOSED!

Oh yes! It's that time again! I'm celebrating one of my cameras!!
You remember my holga week right?

Well, this week, I am celebrating my lovely Diana Mini - with a little help - and it's going to be amazing. Admittedly, I have had my mini now for over a year, but it is only recently that I've really started to take photos with her again and I'm completely smitten with her!!

I have some exciting posts coming up but what better way to celebrate than with a giveaway?! Hurray! And I have to say, this one (again) is rather amazing!
(you can thank me later...)

So you can win: A diana mini white from Lomography!

Are you excited? I am, it such a cute camera and I love it in white too!

::How to enter::

Answer the following question and send the answer to
with the subject title 'I want to win a Diana Mini White'

Which camera from Lomography is your favourite?

You can visit the shop here if you're stuck for ideas!


Thank you to everyone who emailed/commented/tweeted etc... you are amazing!
And a massive thank you to Lomography UK for saying yes to a giveaway!!

On the fourth week of christmas... a giveaway!

Can you believe its under a week until Christmas?
I am so excited...
and so ready to go home, you wouldn't believe.

This weeks giveaway is rather amazing, if I do not say so myself...

As well as having a gorgeous blog with the most inspiring photos from around the UK, Kate also has a completely endearing shop that sells variety of wonderous things including necklaces, earrings, postcards and keyrings of cameras, Moomins and Totoro!!

Possibly three of my favourite things ever?!

So you can win... a gorgeous polaroid necklace from That Kate Creates.

How to enter: Visit That Kate Creates and leave a comment on this post below with your favourite item... if you can choose :)

For extra entries: blog, tweet, facebook about the giveaway and leave another comment with a link.

The giveaway winner will be announced on Friday 24th December.
(Due to it being so close to christmas, your prize will not be posted until after the holidays, consider it a late christmas present from Kate and I)

Good luck!!

On the third week of Christmas... a giveaway - Closed!

It's time for another giveaway!
This month is just flying by...

I'm so excited to be sharing this giveaway with you, as I love having giveaways with shops that I adore - It makes writing the posts so easy, in fact I could gush about Cut Copy Create all day - especially as I just received this rather amazing print in the mail from the gorgeous Eadaoin!!

yellow + holga = ridiculously happy Rhianne!

Anyway, I'm sure that you have probably seen Cut Copy Create around - the shop includes dianas, holgas and polaroids (some of my favourite things) on bags, buttons, mugs, prints, pocket mirrors and... bottle openers!! Needless to say, I want everything!!

This giveaway is now closed, thank you to everyone who entered.

p.s. The winner of one of my prints from last weeks giveaway is Adeline!

On the second week of Christmas...a giveaway - closed!

On the second week of christmas...

We both fell ill with the worst cold ever*
*perhaps a slight exageration, but only slight.
I spent two full days in bed feeling quite sorry for myself...
surrounded by lemsip, tissues and pixar movies,
and I failed on this weeks giveaway.


However, we still got our tree up at the weekend and I am back today, hurray!
I did have something else planned for this week - however that fell through,
so now I can only offer what I have
(don't worrry, I don't think you can catch a cold digitally...)

A giveaway of my own prints!

This giveaway is now closed.

Thank you so much for supporting my blog this year
these giveaways are a massive thank you to everyone who reads and enjoys it!
I still do, so I hope you do as well.