The almost forgotten film that went across the world...

Hi, I'm Natalie - travel obsessed, coffee addict, amateur photographer, sometimes film-shooter, maker of scrapbooks & blogger over at scrapbooking + other adventures.

My commitment to film photography tends to come in waves. More often than not, I'll pack my Diana+ to take on a trip away, shoot a few frames and then once I'm back in London laziness sets in and I opt for digital photography and instant gratification most of the time.

A few months ago I (shock, horror) actually took my Diana+ on a walk around London with me and took a few last photos to finish up a roll. A roll that I knew had been in my camera for quite a while - I'm embarrassed to admit it was at least a year!

So, when I dropped it off to get developed, I was pretty intrigued to see where the heck I'd actually taken it. Turns out, that little film had been to the other side of the world and back! Thanks so much to Rhianne for letting me share a few of my favourite frames here...

I've had mixed luck with my Diana+ photos in the past and have often felt a bit discouraged. But seeing the results from this roll has given me renewed inspiration to keeping taking more photos with this camera - both around London and on my travels - and a load of motivation to definitely shoot with it more often.
