This week is the final week of Photo Meditations and honestly, I'm a little bit heartbroken about that, I feel like there is so much more I can learn from Susannah and more I can learn about myself and my photos. I'm very glad to say that I've loved every minute and I feel like I've progressed throughout it.
I haven't taken many photos, but the ones I have taken... here, here, and here wow. I can barely believe that they are mine.
What I didn't expect from Photo Meditations is that I would change as a person, that I would push myself to do things I never would of imagined before, that I would actually want to do things I never saw myself doing... 5 weeks doesn't seem that long, and it flew by, but I feel different, in myself and I know my photos from now will be different too.
One thing I've noticed in my photos is that I don't take many photos of people (I had to search for the ones in this post haha) and over the past 5 weeks I've seen so many amazing photos, by Susannah and other photographers on the course that all of a sudden I want to take more. Not posed photos, more moments...
I remember being annoyed in the top photo actually that the people were behind those bikes, they were ruining the lines of the wheels and the path behind but today I'm loving the mans hat, the way hes leaning away to look at the bike properly... I love the lady behind who is watching both them and me taking my photo and the little leg on the bike on the left is killing me.
And I love this little boy, his enthusiasm to see the ducks better leading him to get in the water... he looks so determined. I love his Fathers arm reaching out for him but letting him go at the same time.
So instead of challenging myself to take more photos of people, I'm challenging myself to look at people differently, to let people into my photos, not to wait for them to walk past... to use them to enhance a photo and stop being scared that they might ruin it.
Challenging myself to capture their photo the way that I see them...
p.s. In writing this here, I have to do it - you've all seen it now.
p.p.s. Susannah just uploaded a video about Photo Meditations, you should watch it :)