Ande Monster giveaway - Closed!!

It's a new week... and oddly I'm quite excited about that.
We had the most relaxing weekend... meaning, we did nothing! Hurray!
I love relaxing, uneventful weekends.

So, I'm kicking off this week with something... A lovely giveaway from my blog friend Rachael.

As well as being completely adorable and having her own lovely blog ...It's Simple Love... Rachael also has a fantastic vintage shop, which sells amazing coats, shoes and accessories and also includes a $20 dress section. Wow!
(you know I'm completely in love with that coat...)

So you can win... a gorgeous golden clutch bag.

I have such a weakness for bags, especially ones with clasps and this is beautiful!

How to enter: Visit Ande Monster Vintage and leave a comment with your favourite item.
This giveaway is now closed!

I think this week is going to be a good week, don't you?