Diana Mini!

So not very long ago I posted this about the Diana Mini and yesterday I brought one off ebay! No talking myself into waiting for it like the Holga - no ums or maybe's. I saw it for £40 and I brought it! I'm so glad I asked for money for my birthday this year...

So here are some Diana mini photos to wet your appetite by from the Diana+ Mini group on Flickr.

1. Fallen cone phone box, 2. Untitled, 3. dianamini02, 4. 國家音樂廳疊片版, 5. img008 6.img008

I can't wait to take both camera's out to play soon - I think I'm going to have to come up with a nickname for the Diana as well though - Diana is a bit too obvious... Any suggestions? I quite like Didi...

p.s. I also got a half price facial and massage with my birthday booked for saturday - I can not wait!