Things I've learnt from blogs this week...

Its been such a busy week. I've gained followers (yeay) and I've found 20 more blogs to follow - I'm over 100 now, madness!!

  1. Other people make 'Things we learnt' lists too… lists make me happy :)
  2. There are paper towels… and there are paper towels (I love!)
  3. I wish I was this organised – I think this might be the top thing on my to do list now! I love the boxes!
  4. This is far too cute… I love teacups at the best of times.
  5. I should use my moleskin for doodling. I’ve had it for over a year and its so pretty I haven’t wanted to touch it… I think doodling is the way forward though!

I can't wait for next week - lets hope it's as exciting!