On the first week of Christmas... closed.

Can you believe that its under a month until Christmas already? I can't!
Remember how for the last couple of years I've had giveaways to celebrate Christmas with everyone? Well, I'm doing it again!! HURRAY!!

I love Christmas and I love blogging and christmas blogging is always the most fun I have on here, so I've decided to share the love again - I hope you are as excited as I am!

First up is the amazing Hey Harriet!

You may know of Hey Harriet's blog for her Shadow Shot Sunday feature, but as well as having a great blog, Hey Harriet is also an amazing Etsy shop with so much choice! Whether you like the beach, flowers, birds, carnivals or still life... Hey Harriet has something for you.
:You could win: 4 prints of your choice from Hey Harriet
Yes, I said 4. 

:How to enter: Visit Hey Harriet's Etsy shop and leave a comment with the 4 prints that you would want to win.

The winner has been announced, thank you to everyone who entered.

700 followers giveaway part 3... Closed

I'm 100% sure that you all know of pretty Ilene from Much Love, Illy - her lovely blog and shop, but I'm going to write some more about them just in case...

I'd be lying if I said that Ilene wasn't one of my blog crushes - she's cute, she's talented, she has her own personal style which I love, she isn't afraid to pull faces at the camera (which I also love) and she is an incredibly dedicated blogger whose persistance and enthusiasm constantly amazes me.

And as well as having her enthusiasic and fun blog, Ilene also has a gorgeous shop which I am completely smitten with - in fact I already own two of her pieces and I've just ordered two more custom designs, I can't wait to see them already.

So, you can win: $20 credit to spend in Much Love, Illy

How to enter: Visit Much Love, Illy and leave a comment with what items you would buy with your $20 credit

This giveaway is now closed.
Thank you to everyone who entered.

p.s. the winner of last weeks giveaway from City of Blackbirds is Ashley from The Pharr Side - please email me!

700 followers giveaway part 2... Closed

So I meant to have this giveaway sometime last week but it was one of those weeks where nothing seemed to go right... oh well. We're here now and we're still celebrating, so it's all good.

I'm so lucky that over the course of 2 and a half years and 700 followers I have met some amazing bloggers and shop owners and today's giveaway comes from another lovely, talented lady that I am so pleased to consider a friend.

I first fell in love with Eadaoin and her photos when I saw her blog City of Blackbirds, I loved the colours, the tone and the content was just perfect. As soon as Eadaoin opened her shop I knew I was going to love everything and I still do even now. Cupcakes, macarons, teacups and heart shaped bokehs! What more could anyone want??(In fact I have the macaroon print in our bedroom as I type, it looks wonderful!)

You can win: A copy of Eadaoin's exclusive print Ladybird and Lavender which isn't even in her shop yet.

How to enter: Visit City of Blackbirds on Etsy and leave a comment with your favourite item.

This giveaway is now closed, thank you to everyone who entered.

p.s. the winner of the Lola's Room giveaway is Pandacola.

700 followers giveaway - closed.

I've been on the edge of my seat for the past month slowly watching my followers creep closer and closer to 700... it's been so exciting as I never ever (ever) imagined that I could have so many dedicated, kind and amazing readers of my little blog. I am so incredibly glad and excited that you are all here and sticking around!!!

So to celebrate (I love a good celebration) I'm kicking off this week with a giveaway from one of my favourite shops and one of my favourite creative ladies!

If you've followed my blog for a while then you'll know that I adore Cassia Beck, I love her print shop: Cassia Beck, I love her collage shop: Violet May and I completely and utterly adore her vintage inspired print shop Lola's Room! (Vintage cameras and yellow tights anyone?)

And today, you can win: A 8x8 print of The Typewriter from Lola's Room.

How to enter: Visit Lola's Room and leave a comment with your favourite item.

This giveaway is now closed, thank you to everyone who entered.

p.s. 700 is pretty epic right, keep your eye out for a couple more celebrations this week!