Things I've learnt this week... and giveaway winner!

I've been super excited all week as in a few hours I will be on a train to London to meet a few of my girls, yeay!! I can not wait. I'm coming back tomorrow but hopefully I shall squeeze in some great food, a few cocktails, some quality catching up and maybe even some macaroons (finally!) I hope that you all have great weekends!

  1. I have a thing for stamps and this is a great way to use them!
  2. Oh pointy flat shoes - you are my fave!
  3. Is it too early for a christmas bow ring? I love love love it!
  4. I am keeping any books my future children may write because of this!
  5. These plates are so fun!

To top off all the excitement - I can now reveal the winner of the giveaway is Jennette from Boutique Stitches! Congratulations! I will email you :)

Thanks to everyone who entered and a massive thank you to Megan from Studio M.M.E for your help!

I think I will try to do another giveaway at some point - it's so much fun!!

50 Followers Giveaway!!

UPDATE: Giveaway now closed and winner announced! Thanks to all who entered :)

I told you exciting things were about to happen! Yeay! I have been waiting for days to hit 50 followers as I am so excited by this giveaway! Eeee!!

Thank you so much to my lovely readers – I can’t believe that it’s only been 6 months that I have been blogging and I am so happy that I have met so many amazing people!

Studio M.M.E.
To help celebrate, the lovely Megan from M.M.E Studios Stutterings is giving away a print from her wonderful etsy shop Studio M.M.E to one of you lucky readers!

As well as having a great blog and being a talented author and illustrator, Megan was also lucky enough to find a Kodak Duaflex camera in her grandmother's closet which still had unused expired film in it and with it she took some beautiful and ghostly images. I have been dreaming of this happening to me... aren’t these photos gorgeous?

To be in with a chance to win one of Megan’s stunning prints taken with a beautiful vintage camera, check out Megan’s shop Studio M.M.E and leave a comment about your favourite item below. The winner will be announced on Friday 4th September!

For extra entries leave a separate comment for each (or any) of these:

  1. Be a follower/ become a follower of my blog
  2. Post about the giveaway on your own blog (please leave a link so I can have a nose)
  3. Tweet about the giveway (please leave your twitter name)

Thank you so much again for reading my blog… it’s been an absolute delight having you here and good luck with the giveaway!

p.s. 50 (well 51 now) is incredible!! I’m still overly excited about it!

And the winners are...

Yeay!! I'm very excited to reveal that the winners of the 3 Keep Calm Gallery postcards are Leetid, Evelyn and Melissa Kaye.

I picked the names and which card you will each be getting out of a hat (well it was my purse, but it was fun either way) I'll leave which postcard you are getting as a surprise!

I'm super excited for all three of you - if you could email me your
mailing addresses that would be great :)

Thank you to everyone who entered!

A little giveaway...

Its Monday again! Doesn't time fly when you are having fun..? I had a brilliant (though hectic) weekend and I have a lot to share over the week (woo) but first...

I have 25 followers! Yeay! Hello to Girl with the Golden Touch, my latest follower,
check out her blog.

So... to celebrate I have 3 postcards from Keep Calm Gallery for my first ever give away!! I saw these in the cutest shop at the weekend and after seeing them everywhere in the blogging world (here, here, here and here...*) I knew that I had to get some for you!

To enter: just leave a comment below - perhaps about the giveaway or perhaps just to say hi :) You don't need to be a follower, though if you are you will get an extra entry, as this is all about you! Thank you for reading my blog!

UPDATE: The winners were decided on Monday 3rd August :)

Thanks to everyone who took part!

*Google reader came up with over 40 other posts but I figured I couldn't add them all...