A hall somewhere near Ikea

After successfully remembering where I took the last set of photos - I unfortunately could not say the same for these. However, after a quick google of halls near Ikea Leeds (because I could remember going to Ikea before hand haha, thanks brain) Google (other search engines are available) reminded me that it was Oakwell Hall. I actually can’t remember much about it other than that I had a very nice sandwich in the cafe and the people there were super friendly. Maybe its time for another visit!

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Agfa Vista 200
Location: Oakwell Hall (Kind of near Ikea in Leeds lol)

consistently inconsistent

I am a terrible blogger - not only am I consistently inconsistent - but I’m also pretty bad at sharing the most ‘up to date’ content. On the other hand though, this does mean that when I decide to look at some of my older photos ‘just cos’ - I stumble upon many that I haven’t actually shared here! We’ll all just ignore that these are all from 2017 and that I’m not 100% certain, but I think were taken in Bridlington.

It took me a little while to remember why I took this last photo - I usually spot what caught my eye at the time pretty fast - and then I remembered that the arch had the new heads of Princes Charles and Camilla added to it - probably because the original features had suffered the fate of the chap on the right of Camilla.

I always find the merging of royality - and I guess any other historical figures - into history fascinating. At some point in the future, these will be as battered as the rest of the stone - and maybe Charles and Camilla will just be another two heads amongst many, or maybe their scandals will haunt them forever. Just like, how at one point in the past, Henry VIII wasn’t always the king who married 6 women (who themselves now have musical - of course!) , seperated the church, destroyed many gorgeous abbeys and was known to thoroughly enjoy his food. He was just willful Prince Henry who enjoyed reading, dancing, spending time with his mother and was known for his optimism.

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Kodak BW400CN(!!)
Location: Bridlington Old Town (95% sure!)

A trip to Skegness

Ok first - if you’re gluten free, dairy free and allergic to fish (like me) there is an amazing chip shop called Atlantic Fish Bar and Diner in Skegness that I insist you go to next time you visit - I’m already planning another trip just for the food alone.

As well as eating chips in Skegness I also took photos and had a lot of fun with my nephew, who like me, also loves the beach, amusements and winning random toys!

I’d like to go back to Skegness again and explore properly, especially with my cameras, there were a lot of things that I spotted but didn’t manage to get photos of.

Camera: Olympus OM-10
Film: Fuji Superia 200
Location: Skegness, UK

2020 366 Project 42-46

Ah the project that never was… last time I posted about this project, I mentioned that during my little experiment in developing my own film last year - I lost two films to expired chemicals. Unfortunately on one of those two films was numbers 29-41 of this series. I can’t remember what was on the other film, so it was either a devastating loss that I’ve blanked from my memory or nothing special ha.

42/366/2020 - it had been raining, a lot

42/366/2020 - it had been raining, a lot

43/266/2020 - I sometimes miss walking around Leeds in my lunch, mainly for the spectaculer architecture

43/266/2020 - I sometimes miss walking around Leeds in my lunch, mainly for the spectaculer architecture

44/366/2020 - it turns out this is a clothing brand but I still love the sticker!

44/366/2020 - it turns out this is a clothing brand but I still love the sticker!

45/366/2020 - Honestly not sure I like this one - but it is what it is

45/366/2020 - Honestly not sure I like this one - but it is what it is

46/366/2020 - I can’t actually remember the last time I had this many coins in my purse! Camera: Canon EOS 750 Film: Kodak Tri-X 400

46/366/2020 - I can’t actually remember the last time I had this many coins in my purse!

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Kodak Tri-X 400