Another old friend...

I’m having a crazy adventurous year with films aren’t I - who knew this year was going to be so exciting! This time its the turn of Fuji Superia 200 - I have used this film before, but not for a few years, in fact, I totally forgot I had, but a quick check through the archives confirmed that I have indeed used it before and even took one of my all time favourite photos with it too.

These photos are actually quite old now - taken in July when we had a fun little visit back to Norfolk for my nephews birthday (he’s two guys!! How did this happen?!). We went for a lovely little visit to Hoveton Hall, another new to me place in Norfolk that I hadn’t been before and it was just wonderful! I’m a sucker for a lovely garden anyway, throw in red brick, old houses and a rusty gate and I am all over that. I think I have a trend lol.

Now that I’ve reacquainted myself with this film I’m reminded of the lovely tones of colour it can produce, I love the softness as well. And how fun are the dog sculptures across the grass? If I didn’t spend all my money on film and wool, I’d have loved one of those! I have some more photos of other sculptures that were also there at the time but I’m saving those for another post. Hurrah.

p.s. Did you read the little sign?! You should, it made me laugh, so I had to take the photo!

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Fuji Superia 200
Location: Hoveton Hall, Norfolk

London: Somers Town

Whilst we were in London our sister-in-law showed us a short cut between Kings Cross station and Euston station that cut through Somers Town. I used to go through Kings Cross via the tube all the time but never really ventured that far from the station or walked around the area. So discovering that Kings Cross used to be a slum area of the city in the 1800’s was something that was a genuine surprise to me. The area has obviously been improved over the years but the little details of character have popped up and reflected the people living there.

I had a train to catch so didn’t get as many photos as I would have liked but I definitely want to go back already and have a proper look around!

Again I loooove the colours that this Kodak Ektachrome produces and I’m really loving how crisp and clean it is for capturing these kind of details in their full glory.

Film: Kodak Ektachrome - sent to me by Kodak Alaris, developed by AG Photolab and scanned by myself.
Camera: Canon EOS 750
Location: London, England

London Love

It’s been a few weeks since I was in London now but I’m still feeling that happy glow that you get from visiting London as a tourist! We crammed a lot in only a couple of days and started with a visit to the House of Illustration near Kings Cross. This also included a walk past Granary Square and a look around Canopy Market. I love that there are always places in London that I haven’t been to and something new to see and take in.

I pushed this film a little using it inside the Canopy Market but I think the photos turned out quite well - I really love how it captures the colours in the market and the photo of the dogs worked out, so double win! I also love how well this film works in bright sunshine - much like other chrome type films I’ve used before. I can’t wait to use more of this film next year when the suns shining!

Film: Kodak Ektachrome - sent to me by Kodak Alaris, developed by AG Photolab and scanned by myself.
Camera: Canon EOS 750
Location: London baby, England

London: Little details

I love London - I don’t share that much here but we lived there for a whole year when we were younger so a piece of my heart is always there. Nowadays we go mostly to visit family and see friends - which means I get to play tourist in a city I just love!

This visit I got to meet the amazing Dawn(!!!) who some of you may know and remember from Candidly Cylde!! Dawn and I have known each other in blog land for over 8 years - I’m not entirely sure of the exact number but its definitely been at least that long and I must tell you that she is as amazing, funny and delightful in person!! I love it when blog friends become real world friends! Though now she is stuck with me as a real life friend haha, sorry Dawn :)

Anyway, we met at Hyde Park and ended up having a very touristy photo walk around, chatting away and taking photos happily as we went. It was the most perfect afternoon and just what I needed. I also got to use some of my first rolls of Kodak’s Ektachrome film which I’ve been very excited about since it was first announced. As I had never used it before, London seemed like a perfect time to put it through its paces.

How lush and crisp are the colours from this film - I’m glad I managed to get a sense of those colours with these scans but honestly - they look even more glorious in person. There’s something magical about holding slide film negatives up to the light for sure and this Ektachrome film, its got the magic!

Like the Ektar film in the previous posts I found this film really easy to scan, so I’m excited that I have another roll yet to put through the scanner, hopefully that roll turns out as well.

Film: Kodak Ektachrome - sent to me by
Kodak Alaris, developed by AG Photolab and scanned by myself - a truly collaborative effort!

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Location: London baby, England