My OM-10 is home!!!

Some of you who follow me on Twitter (back when I used Twitter, cough, sorry Twitter) may have seen that in September 2019 I took my beloved Olympus OM-10 - which used to belong to my Dad - to a camera repair shop. It took a while for the person to find the right parts to fix it and then lockdown happened, but finally, in late 2020 - I got my OM-10 back. Woohoo. And then finally in 2021, I actually used it!

Here are some of the first photos that I took with my reunited friend.

It was so wonderful to use it again and I was obviously drawn to red and oranges at the time of using it as well. The shutter was sticking and the camera needed an overall clean but now we’re in working order and we are good to go. I can’t wait to take it on more adventures.

Oh I’m so happy to have it home!

Hello again!

So once again I have left 6 months between posts and once again, it came to renewal time on Squarespace and I couldn’t let my blog go. The rather silly thing is that I have loads of photos that I could share from the last 2 years or so, but I just haven’t. And I’m not really sure why I haven’t. I guess it doesn’t really matter why - or why not. We all know its been a very strange time lately and I’ve been genuinely impressed by other people who have managed to keep their sh*t together.

So rather than dwell, lets just get into some new (to you at least) photos instead…

These kind of photos remind me of fireworks.

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Fuji Superia 200

one year ago

These photos were taken around a year ago just before the first lockdown in March 2020. It seems that on one hand, the year has flown by and I can’t quite believe that its been a whole year. Yet on the other - after March 2020, the days seemed to have dragggged and dragggged.

Oblivious to year ahead, I took these photos on a little day out trip to Knaresborough. I often wonder if we would have done things differently if we did know what was actually going to happen - but in honestly, I think I would have just bought more of the lovely gf/df cakes we had at Number 13 cafe and Thomas more treats from the bakery ha.

Its hard to know what to write really that sums up how weird and hard the last 12 months have been. Its challenged us all in ways I’m sure no one imagined - and like any significant event - its shown peoples true colours in ways that have either pleased or surprised us.

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Lomography CN 400
Location: Knaresborough

More Harewood House Details

I remember when I developed these photos I was completely thrilled with the results - and then I sat on them for a while and they lost their lustre. Well maybe it was me who lost my lustre - I can imagine most people are feeling like that at the moment. However after a little break away from them I’m back to being quite happy with them - hurrah!

I really miss going places and taking photos. I’ve seen some amazing people taking stunning photos during lockdown but between lockdown, learning how to balance my chronic illness and my job - photo taking for me has gone out of the window - along with leaving the house on a daily basis haha. I’ve gone through dry patches before, so I’m not worried about it as such - I just miss it. Its all very strange at the moment isn’t it. How are you doing?

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Kodak TMax P3200
Location: Harewood House, Leeds