2020 366 PROJECT 23-25

It seems a little odd sharing the photos from a failed project of one of the strangest years we’ve ever experienced - but here we are - the ripples of 2020 echo through…

23/366/2020 - The first signs of Spring starting to pop up

23/366/2020 - The first signs of Spring starting to pop up

24/366/2020 - My nephew and current fave small boy in the whole world (hes about to have a little brother soon - so I can’t say that for long haha). His smile brightens my worst days and honestly, I miss him so much it hurts. I’m glad he doesn’t rea…

24/366/2020 - My nephew and current fave small boy in the whole world (hes about to have a little brother soon - so I can’t say that for long haha). His smile brightens my worst days and honestly, I miss him so much it hurts. I’m glad he doesn’t really have the same concepts of time and distance as I do as hes much happier for it - and I’m happy when hes happy <3

25/366/2020 - We took Elijah to the farm and he watched his Mum feed the sheep.

25/366/2020 - We took Elijah to the farm and he watched his Mum feed the sheep.

Film: Kodak T-Max 400- sent to me by Kodak Alaris and developed and scanned by myself (hence the water stains - such an amateur ha)

Pretty in Pink II

One of my favourite things about blogging for such a long time is that its fairly easy to create accidental series. This is only the second post of pink flowers - the first being in 2017 - but twos enough to create a fun link between. I’ll be on the look out for more pink flowers now!

Of course I had to sneak some yellow in there too - just in case anyone was worried that my affections had changed completely!

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Agfa Vista 200 (Scanned and developed by Take It Easy Lab in Leeds)
Location: York Gate Garden, Leeds

Wishing trees

The first time I ever saw a wishing tree was at Ingleton waterfalls - which I shared here on my blog years and year ago in 2009. I didn’t know that wishing trees were a tradition then but having had a quick Google, I now know that its thought to be from the 18th century, where people would put a coin in a tree to rid themselves of illness.

I’m totally fascinated with them and I wonder many things whilst looking at them - who put the coin there, how old is the coin, how old is the tree, how much money is in trees?! And now after my CFS diagnosis I’m also wondering how many coins I would have to put in a tree to rid myself of it haha!

Camera: Canon EOS 750
Film: Agfa Vista 200 and Fuji Colour 200
Location: Yorkshire Sculpture Park